Thursday, August 31, 2023

Minivan Memories 2022

 Third Seat

Time ambushes us in ordinary moments.

I cleaned the Mazda minivan 

today at Zips Car Wash,

even though it was August hot and  ad just rained.

I had time.

It was 4 pm which I used to call the witching hour 

because our kids tended to come apart at the seams about then.

The vacuuming and scrubbing part

morphed into a hour as I folded and unfolded rows 

digging out wrappers and straws,

scouring sticky doors,

and murky cup holders.

I sucked up at a dozen

sundry fruit pits.

It was satisfying work to make it all clean.

Until I opened a the forgotten compartment

in the third row--

A time capsule containing

a Wendy's cup, 

an unopened bag of Goldfish,

and a tiny Lego man.

Which child forgot their treasures

and grew up in the meanwhile?

How many miles and years rolled by?

Trips to the pool, co-ops, and store...

Then lisences, college, and Covid.

The middle of life blurs by

much like the landscapes we pass

always racing to the next next.

For a moment, I sat in the back of the van 

crying and wondering.

Do I throw out the Lego man?

Silly perhaps, but it felt cruel to me

after all that patient waiting.

How many more miles will pass again

until that compartment

gets used---if ever?

And where did the little boy and girls go

with their insatiable appetites 

for fruit and play?