Sunday, December 18, 2022

Ten Things

Here are ten things I've been thinking about in 2014:

1. As children get older, they become more themselves.  As my aunt once said "you won't be able to shape your children as much as you'd like."  Each child has a natural bend in personality and inclination.  Parents can shape the bend, but we have to work with the inherent form.

2. Raising older children is as challenging as raising younger children.  Somehow I thought there would be a break in there.  Yes, I can grocery shop these days without incident, but our children require more emotionally and spiritually than ever.  The dialogues become trickier, the situations more complex.

3. Our public lives are over-valued and our private lives under-rated. 

4.  God answers our prayers in a number of ways--however, His preference is not typically for the  dramatic or immediate.

5. Educators, in all areas of their work, are under-valued and under-paid.  

6. People are exhausting.  I could be a happy hermit under different circumstances.

7.  I understand now why older women typically prefer not to cook except for special occasions.

8.  I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook, which I am not sure is a reflection of a problem in me or a problem in other people, or a problem in all of us.  I am thankful for the occasional glimpses into the life of others, but dislike the endless pre-generated inspirational quotes, campy news stories, and "being proud of" every accomplishment in their child's life.  It all smacks of narcissism at times. 

9. The end of a matter is usually more complicated than its beginning.

10.  People don't take the time to read much of anything carefully these days.

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