Saturday, February 6, 2016

2001, 2003-2006, 2010 The Currently "Missing" Years

In trying to pull the history of our Christmas cards together, I've found gaps that I can't reconcile, at least not right now.

I have a hunch that I didn't write a letter in 2010 or send a card, but I'm not sure.  One may yet turn up.

2001-2006 is a bigger gap which concerns me.  I'm also missing pictures from somewhere in this period, an entire thumb drive with three or so years of photos MIA for several years now.  I've learned to let it go though it still bothers me.

I do suspect, however, that I put the letters from 2001-2006 in a different location--maybe in the attic?  I'm hoping that's the case.  Time will tell.

In the meanwhile, I'm happy to have this much done and trust God with the gaps. ; )

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